CFA Values

Justice-centered climate action, meaningful collaboration, and the workers and unions that represent them.

We value justice-centered climate action.

We recognize the interdependence of pension investing, climate change, and racial & economic justice, understanding that those most historically, systemically, and currently impacted by climate change and fossil fuel extraction possess essential knowledge about their community, experience, and priorities.

We value workers and the unions that represent them.

Workers (and the unions that represent them) whose retirement funds make up public pension funds are essential voices at the table for determining the policies of those funds. We understand that fundamental change requires the leadership and involvement of the most impacted people. We value, recognize, and actively amplify the first-hand knowledge they have.

We value meaningful collaboration.

In our journey towards equitable climate justice and an inclusive economy, we recognize the crucial role of trust and the need for intentional collaboration. Our interactions are about trust and capacity building - equipping each stakeholder with the knowledge and resources necessary to effectively contribute towards dismantling harmful financial systems and enabling key stakeholders to see themselves as welcomed, engaged agents of change.

We value systems. 

We recognize the holistic, complex, and systemic nature of climate finance issues and the movement we work in. We work with strategies from a systemic perspective and seek to create systems change, not simply tinker with a few pieces of it. We identify as a part of a larger ecosystem that aims to support the whole; we bring specific tools to offer other groups and openly receive expertise and various forms of support.